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Radhika Khosla is Research Director of the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development at Somerville College and Senior Researcher at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, School of Geography and the Environment.
Main area(s) of interest/expertise
Radhika works on examining the productive tensions between urban transitions, energy services consumption and climate change, with a focus on developing country cities. She is currently leading the programme on the Future of Cooling.
Why is Oxford a good place to work in research related to environmental challenges?
Oxford has amongst the best researchers in the world, across disciplines, who are working individually and together every day to understand and reshape the trajectory of our more difficult global environmental problems. It is a great place to be able to learn and contribute to these debates, as they unfold in real time.
What is the biggest environmental challenge facing the planet right now?
Climate change. This is because climate change acts as a stress multiplier on existing environmental problems, along with leading to new vulnerabilities and long-term complex impacts.
Despite the challenges, are you optimistic about our future?
I am cautiously optimistic. Human development has increased around the world, in aggregate terms, but the degraded state of the environment now threatens human well-being for the long-term. It is up to our generation to make fundamental and systemic changes in our relationship with the earth if we are to move towards a better and more hopeful future.
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