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Professor Gina Neff is Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor in the Oxford Internet Institute and Department of Sociology.
Areas of interest
Technological disruption across several different industries including health care, media, and construction. The future of work in data-rich environments.
What makes Oxford such a good place to work in AI?
There is a tremendous flourishing of ideas here at Oxford. In my own department, many of us are now working on mapping the potential social, cultural, political, legal and ethical implications of AI. For me, having a broad range of people working in diverse disciplines makes Oxford a great place to do my research on AI. Being outside London’s and Silicon Valley’s booming tech scenes also helps Oxford researchers bring an important and different perspective to conversations about AI.
What is the biggest opportunity or challenge in AI?
From my position as a social scientist of technological change, AI represents enormous opportunity to understand how people adapt and modify technologies in their everyday life. So little is understood about the role of AI in how companies and organisations work and how people in those organisations will respond. Studies of AI adoption give us an opportunity to potentially re-write basic sociological theory, so that is very exciting from a researcher’s point of view. I hope my research might one day help people understand how to make better choices about AI, design more equitable and just AI systems, and ultimately create better work environments for more people.
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